Wednesday, December 19, 2007

i *heart* twitter

i was never very good at blogging. in fact, i sucked at blogging. in july of 2006 i discovered a cool little web app called *twitter*. at first there were only a few peeps that twittered. now it's turned into a web phenomenon. the best part is that it's not just web based. you can follow your friends via mobile, gtalk and jabber. you are only allowed 140 characters to keep you twitters concise and to the point. plus, it just so much *fun*! come join the *party*and follow me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

moved to a new neighborhood

my attempt at blogging has been completely *lame-o.* maybe it's because of my wandering eyes, always looking for a new cool, sexy web app to use. maybe it's because blogging seems so 90's. i dunno but what i do know is that i'm a pathetic blogger and i suck at it.

with that said, i've found a new home in a new neighborhood -- *dandelife*

come visit me there, my stories are far more interesting and more inspired. maybe it will even inspire you to start *dandelifing*. =^.^=

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

my stepchild...

my blog has turned into the neglected *step-child*.
i had no goals or visions about what i wanted my
blog to be other than a place for me to rant anonymously
and digitally into the blogosphere. well i haven't even
done that very well.

these days there are so many other cool web apps to play
with. i dunno. i'm sooo easily distracted.

so, i'm thinking maybe i should delete everything here.
there's nothing but lots of dust and cobwebs in the corners.

however, i do have *one* thought. sometimes i *really* worry
about her.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

*good-bye rumsfeld*

well, rummy finally resigns. what in the hell took so long? secretary of state donald rumsfeld has been a neverending thorn in the bush administration's side. why now? why didn't bush give rumsfeld the boot prior to the november elections? rumsfeld has been a disaster as secretary of state. his failed policy, strategies, incompetence and lack of leadership in the pacification of iraq has now led to the shift in political power from the republicans to the democrats.

i'm neither a democrat or a republican but all i have to say is *too little. too late.*

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


early this morning i saw a package i had received a few
days ago. it was a book i had ordered from written
by angelina jolie called, *notes from my travels*. the book
is actually a journal she kept as a goodwill ambassador to the united nations high commissioner for refugees (ie UNHCR). the first part of the book was her personal accounts during her visit to sierra leone and tanzania in africa.

all i have to say is i was mesmerized, horrified and touched
deep inside of me. i couldn't stop reading about her sojourn to the
one of the most war torn areas in the world. all the beauty, the
tragedy, the suffering, the compassion, the horror, the hope and
will of the people to survive. to live. through her eyes i saw what
many people in the united states never see or hear about. i saw
one very compassionate human being reaching outside her comfortable realm to touch another human's life and to try to help out those people with nothing. people who have lost everything. whose lives were destroyed. whose families were murdered. children who's innocence were stolen. a person who tries to help restore human dignity and i was very moved.

we live extremely sheltered and privileged lives. living in a protective cocoon. totally ignorant and unaware of what is going on in the world. we hear about the newest ipods, the latest american idol contestants but we never hear news on what is *really* happening in other parts of the world and the way other people live. all the news we hear about or see from around the world are just small snippets, edited video clips and forgotten articles. for an instance we are shocked at all the crisis around the world but as soon as the news is interupted by a commercial for a new mobile phone or brand new suv the tradegies become just an after thought and soon forgotten.

why are we sooo blind? when will we open up our lives and take off our blinders and see what really happens in the world? we are like fish living in a very large fish tank called the united states of america, sometimes we can see what goes on outside the fish tank but few rarely venture to experience life outside the fish tank. that's the biggest tragedy. our ignorance.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

fear and loathing...

tomorrow i have a pre-construction conference call
with my builder and i think to myself, *am i really
ready to make the move to the viva las vegas?*

Monday, May 15, 2006

strawberry orgasm

lately all i've been lusting for is a bowl of juicy, ripe, fresh
strawberries covered in creamy organic vanilla yogurt...

omygosha, it's like the best orgasm ever!!!